Covid DiariesNationalNewsStruggles

SFI Seeks Supreme Court Intervention In Issues Concerning The Pandemic

Considering the prevailing pandemic, there is a dearth of oxygen supplies around the country and the Central Government agencies have miserably failed to ensure basic health care facilities to the citizens of India. In order to meet the demand for oxygen, oxygen concentrators are being imported from various countries. In this scenario to ensure it’s accessibility to all-the common people at an affordable rate the GST shall be waived off.

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Chhatra SangharshNationalVernacular

कृषि कानूनों को समग्रता में देखें

किसानों की भलाई के नाम पर जबरदस्ती तीन ऐसे कानून अध्यादेशों के चोर रास्ते से जारी किए गए जिनकी कभी भी किसान संगठनों ने मांग नहीं की थी ।

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