
SFI reiterates its demand that a national-level “caste” census should be conducted by the central government without any delay

The Central Executive Committee of the Students’ Federation of India (SFI) takes note of the Supreme Court judgement permitting sub-classification of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe categories. The court has held that such a process has to be undertaken based on “quantifiable and demonstrable data” on the levels of backwardness and representation in government services and educational institutions, and not on “whims or as a matter of political expediency”. The scientific basis of the sub-classification exercise can only be a detailed socio-economic census which includes caste. SFI thus reiterates its demand that a national-level “caste” census should be conducted by the central government without any delay

SFI unequivocally condemns any attempt to dilute or dismantle the reservation policy. We are already witnessing that the reserved seats in several educational institutions and recruitments are made to go vacant through various tactics, including the “not found suitable (NFS)” scam. Such undermining of the reservation policy is a result of the deep-rooted caste biases prevalent at all levels of public administration. SFI demands that all vacant positions, including those of reserved categories, should be immediately filled by the central government and various state governments.

The Dalit and Adivasi student and youth of this country continue to face social stigma and prejudice, irrespective of their economic position. Any ill-informed comment or discourse questioning the sanctity of reservation policy for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, including suggestions to apply “creamy-layer” principle to these categories, needs to be vehemently countered and opposed.

The Supreme Court judgement has allowed states to frame sub-classifications of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe categories, subject to a subsequent judicial scrutiny. The court has also directed that any such classification exercise cannot replace the doctrine of equality. SFI is committed towards a more inclusive representation of various Dalit and Adivasi communities, and we will continue to wage struggles against various administrative barriers and casteist attitudes faced by such students.

Apart from making reservation policy more inclusive to accommodate various marginalized and under-represented Dalit and Adivasi communities, the government should act towards increasing the scope of reservation to private sector. Social justice has to be ensured in all public and private enterprises. Thus, SFI demands that the Parliament should enact a law mandating reservations in education and employment in the private sector as well.

Released by,

V P Sanu (President, SFI)

Mayukh Biswas (General Secretary, SFI)