Adieu Comrade Sitaram Yechury
The Students’ Federation of India dips its banner in honour of our beloved comrade, former all India president of SFI and the general secretary of CPI(M), Sitaram Yechury.
Comrade Sitaram Yechury began his public life as a vibrant leader and organiser of the student movement. He became a member of the SFI during his college days in Delhi and emerged as one of the most popular and energetic leaders of the students in JNU in the subsequent years. Sitaram Yechury played a key role in rallying JNU students in the fight against emergency. He was elected to the post of JNUSU president three times continuously.
Comrade Sitaram Yechury was elected as President of the Students’ Federation of India (SFI) at the 5th Conference at Dumdum in 1984 and served till the 6th all India conference at Vijayawada in 1986. He also served as the Editor of Student Struggle from 1980 to 1986, as the longest serving Editor of the journal so far. He was elected as the General Secretary of CPI(M) in 2015. Comrade Sitaram also has been elected as Member of Parliament in 2005 and served till 2017.

The student struggle led by comrade Sitaram Yechury against the Emergency of 1975 which forced the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to step down from the position of Chancellor of JNU remains one of the heroic events of the student movement in the country. Sitaram was always in forefront in the struggles for democracy and secular ideals of the nation. He became the leader of the toiling masses in the country and fought for their better life. Inside the parliament as an MP and outside as the leader of the poor, he made significant interventions for the working class in India. He took a prominent role in uniting secular democratic forces of the country in the fight to protect the constitution of India. He led relentless struggle against the fascist and fundamentalist forces in India.
Students’ Federation of India honour comrade Sitaram Yechurys’ life and contributions to the student movement and struggle for the toiling masses of the country. His contributions will always remain as a source of inspiration for SFI and all others who are fighting for the democratic, secular and socialist ideals of India.
The SFI Central Executive Committee Pays our condolences on the demise of comrade Sitaram Yechury.
Released by
V P Sanu (President, SFI)
Mayukh Biswas (General secretary, SFI)